Straight Talk with NY Times and USA Today bestselling author, Katee Robert

Please welcome author Katee Robert for a little bit of Straight Talk, and check back next week for details on her Chasing Mrs. Right blog tour!


When you are getting ready to start a new book, what’s the first
thing you do?

Rock in a corner and cry… No, wait. That’s later. No, the first thing I do is whip out my handy-dandy white board and start brainstorming. I’ve got it down to a science – main plot line, along with stuff I think the hero/heroine need to do. People reading it thinking I’m crazy because it looks like I’m talking to myself in notes… All part of the job description! Or at least that’s what I tell myself.

Have you had any fun fan moments since you became a writer?

My sister works in a hair salon and she was telling her client about my last book (Wrong Bed, Right Guy) and the client started freaking out, saying she was halfway through with the book right at that moment. That was a truly surreal moment for me. It’s like “Strangers are reading my book… WHOA.”

If you could have dinner, coffee, or drinks with a fictional character,
who would you choose and where would you go?

This changes on a day to day basis, but right now it’s Kresley Cole’s Lothaire. I have a deep and abiding weakness for fictional psychopaths (they’re not so hot in real life, sadly). Except maybe not him, because I’m pretty sure he’d eat me… and not in a socially acceptable way.

Do you usually begin a book with a character or a plot?

Each book is different. My Brazens tend to start with a plot – “Wouldn’t it be cool if THIS happened?!” From there I start toying with the types of people who would come together in the way I want… And it usually starts snowballing and ends up in this monster whiteboard brainstorming session mentioned above.

Who would play your hero/heroine in the TV or film version of your

*happy sigh*

My hero, Ian Walser, has always been Jensen Ackles to me. He’s almost too pretty to be real (and my heroine calls him a sexy unicorn… Hey! It fits!). My heroine is Anne Hathaway. She’s got that classy look, though you KNOW that woman can dirty it up. Just like Roxanne.

Who are your favorite authors? What authors have influenced your

How much time do you have? No, seriously. I try to walk away from every book and learn something from it. Most often it’s “OMG I WANT TO BE HER WHEN I GROW UP!” [Kresley Cole, Victoria Dahl, Tawna Fenske, Anne Bishop, Ilona Andrews, etc]. And a lot of times it’s “Holy crap, I wish I had thought of THAT idea!” [Tessa Bailey, Samanthe Beck, Ann Aguirre, etc]. I could literally corner you for DAYS and fangirl about authors, so I’m just going to stop here.

Are you a pantser or a plotter?

I came into this world as a pantser, and now I’m some bastard hybrid of the two. I usually go into a book with a pretty detailed synopsis, though they all have notes to myself [Maybe this happens? DEFINITELY CHAOS HERE! etc] and big holes to be filled. That said, some of my favorite moments in my books are the ones that catch me off-guard. An example of this is when Ian calls his sister while Roxanne is sitting there in his kitchen. Totally didn’t expect him to call Roxanne’s bluff.

Where does the magic happen? Where do you write?

 Ever since I started writing full time, I carry my computer with me everywhere. Some of my most productive word days happen in Starbucks. But my happy place is still the Katee-sized indentation in my couch. 

Do you prefer print books or eBooks?

It depends on the series/author. I’m REALLY OCD about my series, so I buy them all in the same size and cover and whatnot. But with stuff that I’m curious about, or a new author, oftentimes I’ll just purchase it in eBook. If I love it like a love song, I’ll go back and buy the print copy as well.

What’s in the works for you?

Oh lordy. There’s so much cool stuff coming down the pipeline! First will be Nathan’s book, and trust me when I say you will NOT want to miss his story being told (I hear the squees from here!). From there, I have a Come Undone novella in a Brazen Halloween anthology with some really awesome authors, a new series starting in December and… Lots of sexy good times ahead of us!

Thanks for stopping by! 

Thank you for having me!


About the book:  Chasing Mrs. Right 


It was only supposed to last one night…

Roxanne Stokes doesn’t believe in love. She does, however, believe in the sexy-as-sin stranger who literally knocks her off her feet in front of a nightclub. The chemistry sparking between them takes her breath away, and she’ll do anything to ease the pain in his eyes…until she realizes the handsome stranger is her best friend’s older brother who’s just come home from war.

Ian Walser had no idea the gorgeous woman he slept with the night of his homecoming party was his little sister’s best friend—or that she’d be gone before morning. Roxanne’s touch soothes him in a way nothing else can, and he’s not ready to walk away from that yet. Not when spending time with her gave Ian a glimpse of everything he’s ever wanted.

When his sister unwittingly pushes them together, he sees his chance. But convincing a woman who doesn’t believe in love that she’s his Mrs. Right might be harder than any mission Ian’s undertaken. Good thing this soldier likes a challenge…


Title: Chasing Mrs. Right (Come Undone, #2)
Author: Katee Robert
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Length: 263 pages
Release Date: March 2013
ISBN: 978-1-62266-787-1
Imprint: Brazen

About Author

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