Straight Talk with Robin Covington

It’s time for a bit of Straight Talk with Robin Covington!

When you are getting ready to start a new book, what’s the first thing you do?  I write a one-page, bulletized plot outline.  Each chapter gets two bullets.  My husband tried to read it once and he said that my shorthand would stump a cryptologist.

How do you celebrate when you finish writing a book? I usually binge on TV.  I work full-time, so my evening time after the kids are in bed is split between time with the Main Man and writing.  When I’m done with a book I lie on the couch and watch hours of one of my DVR’d shows –Hawaii 5-0, Being Human, or Glee.

Have you had any fun fan moments since you became a writer?  Yes!  The day after the release of “A Night of Southern Comfort”, I was at the neighborhood pool with my kiddos and a friend yells across the pool, “Robin, I’m reading your book and I love it!”  Needless to say, it started a fun conversation about my book and romance novels in general.

Do you usually begin a book with a character or a plot? Neither. I start with the first line of the book.  Then, I figure out who is it is about, why it is happening.  When I started “Southern Comfort”, I saw this woman sitting at a bar and the line, “Her Junior League membership was toast.”  and I had to figure out what that was all about.

Do you have any hobbies or special interests you’d care to share? I sing in a band.  I’ve been in a band for my whole life – first with my parents and then other bands as the years went by.  I’ve been with this band for about 12 years. It is a blast and we have a great time. Buy me a beer sometime and I’ll sing for you.

Who would play your hero/heroine in the tv or film version of your book? Joe Mangianello (Alcide on True Blood) has always been Jackson.  Yum.  And Gwyneth Paltrow would be perfect for the tall, willowy blonde Michaela.

Who are your favorite authors? What authors have influenced your book? I love Jill Shalvis and Jo Davis for Contemporary romance. Humor and sizzle are what they do so well.  I read lots of M/M romance and gay fiction and Hank Edwards and Harper Fox are my faves in that genre. If I could write humor like Hank and emotion like Harper – I’d be thrilled. On this book, Renee Ryan, was my biggest influence. Not because it is in her lyrical style but I was lucky enough to have lunch with her and she inspired me to keep going even after rejection.

Where does the magic happen?  Where do you write? I write in the last 6 feet of my 19 foot long closet.  It has a window, shelves, a big comfy chair and privacy.  And my internet doesn’t work in there – BONUS!

Do you prefer print books or eBooks? E-books.  I love the feel of a book in my hands but my Kindle has opened up authors for me that I would have never discovered.  And, I LOVE that I can carry an entire library in my purse!

What’s in the works for you? I just finished a Christmas novella and I have a book proposal with another Entangled imprint.  I’m working on the book proposal for the three books following “Southern Comfort”. Each of “The Boys” in that book – Lucky, Teague and Beck -will get their own story.

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